
Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Summer Reading Club: Day 1

8:20a - Arrive at library, return a CD I had checked out, go upstairs and put lunch away, turn on lights/computers/printers, go into the office and discover that my boss brought in yummy cookies!

8:30a - Help with Summer Reading Club prep. Organize folders and materials for the SRC table, go over the SRC procedures, etc.

9:00a - Off desk. Check email. Pull books for Family Reading Night (books for storytime and booktalking to groups ranging from preschool to 6th grade).

9:40a - Run downstairs to circulation to get a brief tutorial on how to sign people up for library cards. Bring library card sign-up materials up to the Young People's office.

9:50a - Back upstairs. Continue pulling materials. Check in with the people on desk - they've signed up 11 kids for the SRC!

10:30a - Print a huge stack of weeding slips and settle down with a stack of book-and-tape kits to do some weeding.

12:00p - Check in with desk people - we've signed up 23 kids!

12:05p - Clean toys for tomorrow's Nursery Rhyme Time program. Go over the NRT materials. Sit backup on desk as coworker signs up some kids at the SRC table. Check PUBYAC emails.

1:00p - We're up to 30 kids and now it's lunch time! I eat outside while reading Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson. It's kind of too hot to eat outside.

2:00-5:00p - On desk. I work on planning stuff for the Family Reading Night and I work on a preschool loan. In between signing up kids for the SRC, I help a lady find The Three Little Javelinas and I recommend books to a different lady who has a going-into-kindergartener and is looking for some new books for him. By the time I leave at 5 we have 53 kids signed up!

5:00p - Coworker who's going to Family Reading Night arrives and we go over the plans a little bit.

5:20p - Leave work and head home. Whew!

(I checked Tuesday morning and we had 103 kids sign up on the first day of the SRC... and the public school kids aren't even out of school yet!)

And so the Summer Reading Club starts! It's a crazy time, but a great time!