8:30a - Arrive at work, turn on computers, printers, etc.
8:40a - Check email.
8:45a - Staple copies of handout I'm giving out at a homeschooler program later.
8:55a - Set up room for homeschoolers' visit. Put out chairs, get projector from admin office and make sure I know how to work it (I do... whew!), help J set up the craft area.
9:20a - Practice my presentation on library databases, get books ready for booktalks.
9:5oa - Wait for homeschoolers to arrive.
10:00a - They're here! We start the program with a tour of the library.
10:30a - Done with tour, we split into two groups. J does storytime and craft with younger group, I take older group in for a demonstration of library databases.
10:55a - Done with presentation, I pass out database "scavenger hunts" and give them some time to work on them. I circle, helping whenever someone has a question or gets stuck.
11:15a - Bring my group back together for brief booktalks, thank them for coming and put in a plug for upcoming chess program.
11:30a - Say goodbye to homeschooling families and clean up program rooms.
11:50a - Check email.
12:00p - Enter RSVPs for upcoming preschool fair.
12:15p - Read emails from PUBYAC.
12:30p - Lunch!
1:30p - Meet with adult services librarians, department heads, and graphic artist to discuss 2009 Summer Reading Club theme. We discuss several ideas and settle on Making History @ Your Library. Should be fun!
3:05p - On desk.
4:00p - Off desk. Pull items for preschool loan bags.
4:20p - Enter more RSVPs for preschool fair.
4:40p - Check email and voicemail and return calls.
5:00p - Time to go home!