It's March 27 and you still have a few days to enter Betsy's giveaway for a copy of Savvy by Ingrid Law (read my review here). This was one of my favorite books of 2008 and it won a Newbery Honor, so you won't want to miss it!
Speaking of Betsy, she and Adrienne pointed me to the upcoming celebration of National Poetry Month at GottaBook: Thirty Poets, Thirty Days. Greg's posting a previously unpublished poem by a different poet every day in April. Authors include Jon Scieszka, Linda Sue Park, Jack Prelutsky, Jane Yolen, and (my fave) Douglas Florian.
Thinking about professional development? The ALSC Blog pointed me to the ALSC's online course offerings. If finances and time permit, I'm contemplating the Newbery class.
Sarah at The Reading Zone just posted a press release from the National Federation of the Blind about Braille literacy.
Lisa's got bloggers thinking about intellectual freedom in light of a Wisconsin challenge against a GLBT booklist. There's definitely an interesting conversation going on over there, so check it out.
And I'll leave you with something that is not kidlit related in any way. You've elected to carry a reuseable water bottle instead of buying throwaway bottles. You've bought a lunch box so you can stop bringing your lunch in plastic or paper bags. (Maybe you have a super cool Olivia lunchbox like mine or maybe you don't.) But what about the baggies?!?! Well, Vegan Lunch Box is here to assure you that there are eco-friendly options for those, too. No excuses!