
Saturday, June 6, 2009

48 Hour Book Challenge 2009: Really Go!

Okay, I am back in town, relatively unpacked, and ready to START READING!

(And just in case anyone questions my dedication to the 48HBC and the blogging community in general, I turned down going to this place with my best friend and her husband tonight so that I could come back here and read "with" all of you!)

Official start time was 7:00am this morning, but unofficial start time is 4:37pm. And I promise I'll take a reading break later and catch up on everyone's posts and tweets.

OH. And the ceremony was very beautiful and I'm so, so happy I could be with my friend on the day she's ordained as a rabbi. As a side note, I heard from one of the other guests that at this ceremony, the very first female African-American rabbi was ordained! Historic!

Okay... reading... now!