Okay, I cheated a tiny bit because this actually arrived LAST Saturday, but I had a blue theme going on last week and... yeah. ANYhoo. A sequel/companion book to Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie (I guess technically it's a sequel, but I don't think you have to have read DGADP to understand it) = *squee!!*
And, um, I already read it and it is awesome! I'll have a full review for you soon. I laughed, I cried... exactly what I expected from the ever awesome Jordan Sonnenblick.

I requested this one after Mary Ann recommended it to me on Good Reads. I'm always looking for great nonfiction books to feature for Nonfiction Monday and this sounds right up my alley.
I thought I might have a week of green books, but then this arrived:

It's written by the author of Queen Bees and Wannabes (upon which much of the movie Mean Girls was based). Summary from ARC:
All Charlie Healey wants is a drama-free freshman year of high school. Middle school was tough - mean girls all around her. But she's about to find out guys can be just as deadly as a mean girl.
And that's it for my mailbox this week. What was in YOUR mailbox?