Well, since I can't get together with all of YOU and share a meal (mmm... mashed potatoes...), I just wanted to say right now that I'm thankful for you.
I'm thankful for the wonderful kidlit bloggers that make up the KidLitosphere. Seriously, a girl couldn't ask for a more supportive and kind and interesting group of people to blog with. I so enjoy reading everyone's blogs. Besides being entertaining, they help me with my job and they inspired me to start my own blog, which has really helped me improve my writing and reviewing.
I'm thankful for all the wonderful people who actually read my blog and who take the time to comment. I really appreciate that you take time out of your busy day to read what I have to say. I'm honestly still a little astonished that anyone cares about my opinion, so thank you. Without readers, no one would blog. We'd all just have spiral-bound notebooks of book reviews piled up in our homes.
I'm thankful for publishers and publicists and authors for the free books and ARCs you send me. Yes, I'd still blog without the free books (I get plenty of free books from my library!), but I must confess that it still makes me feel really special to get an ARC and read a book months before it's available to the public. There's much discussion around the KidLitosphere about the relationship between publishers and blogs, but my hope is that it's mutually beneficial. So, thank you for all the books.
Speaking of authors, I'm thankful for authors who write awesome books! Without you, we'd have nothing to blog about!
I'm thankful for librarians who share ideas so that I don't have to come up with programs all on my own. ;)
And with that, I think it's time for me to go grab some turkey and stuffing. Thanks to everyone who's made blogging a blast. I really appreciate all of you!
Photo by CarbonNYC, accessed from Flickr and used under a Creative Commons license.