I posted about some book-and-DVD pairings last year, but this year I have some more ideas. Here are some book-and-movie pairings for your tweens and teens.

In Dani Noir by Nova Ren Suma, thirteen-year-old Danielle is dealing with her parents' recent divorce. Just like in the noir films she loves, she's starting to realize that she doesn't know who she can trust and when a mystery crops up, Dani just might be the femme fatale to solve it. Pair this with any of the films Dani loves in the book - Notorious, Gilda, The Third Man, Sorry Wrong Number...
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This year marked the 40th anniversary of the first moonwalk. If you're buying for a tween or teen interested in space, pair Mission Control, This is Apollo by Andrew Chaikin and Alan Bean with the movie Apollo 13. Mission Control, This is Apollo takes a look at all the different Apollo missions with stunning paintings by astronaut Alan Bean. Also consider pairing it with the HBO miniseries From the Earth to the Moon.
I discovered the PBS miniseries Frontier House and Colonial House this year and they would be perfe

If you've got historical-minded tweens to buy for, any of these would make a great choice!
Be sure and check out the rest of the 2009 Twelve Days of Giving and the 2008 Twelve Days of Giving for more ideas!