If you are (like me) trying to put a book order together when you have eleventy billion other things to do (planning Summer Reading Club, for one...), you will find this helpful: Starred Reviews (So Far), 2010. Thank you, THANK YOU to the lovely Elizabeth Bluemie for putting this post together and also thank you to Elizabeth Bird at Fuse #8 for linking to it.
And speaking of the lovely Fuse, have you been keeping up with her Top 100 Children's Novels Poll? If not, you still have time to get caught up and submit your predictions for the Top 10 by March 25. I would totally submit my predictions except that I have no idea. Also, the aforementioned eleventy billion things to do...
As I mentioned, planning the Summer Reading Club is one of my eleventy billion things. If you're also planning a Summer Reading Club, you may find these links for cool activities from The Imaginary Librarian helpful.
John Grisham's writing a kids' book: Theodore Boone: Kid Lawyer. Oy. Thanks (I think) to Leila at bookshelves of doom for the link.
Um, and okay. I was all set to be indignant about this summer's Ramona and Beezus movie, but... John Corbett? I love John Corbett! And in this preview is one of my favorite things in the series (when Ramona and her dad draw the huge picture on long paper... I love it so much I just did it with my After School Adventures kids last week!) Head over to GreenBean TeenQueen to watch the trailer. I've got to be honest, I think it looks super cute (Selena Gomez notwithstanding... she is way too pretty to be Beezus...)

In related collection development news, Dav Pilkey is finally coming back with another Captain Underpants book!!!! I know many a grade-schooler who will be happy about this news. The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen from the Future is due out in August.
And on that note, I'm out. Enjoy the beautiful weekend, everyone! (It will be beautiful here... maybe not so much in other parts of the world...)