Opening Song: Glad to See You
Memory Box Item: This week's Memory Box item was an ant from I Ain't Gonna Paint No More.
Book: Mouse Paint by Ellen Walsh. One of my long-time favorites. Storytime Katie also has a great flannelboard version of this story.
Book: I Ain't Gonna Paint No More by Karen Beaumont. Another favorite of mine. I love to sing this one.
Felt: Little Color Fish (apologies, but the source of this rhyme has been lost)
The red one took a bite, and then there were four.
Four little fishes, swimming in the sea,
The orange swam away and then there were three.
Three little fishes in the ocean blue,
The pink one took a seahorse ride and then there were two.
Two little fishes, swimming in the sun,
The yellow one swam too far away and then there was one.
One little blue fish, now you're all alone.
I'll put you in my fish bowl and then I'll take you home.
Stand Up and Stretch: I just asked the kids to stand up and stretch. We stomped like elephants, flapped like birds, waddled like penguins, jumped like frogs. And then we all sat down like little girls and boys.
Book: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? by Bill Martin, Jr. I sang this (to the tune of "Baa Baa Black Sheep", although many tunes will work) and many of the kids knew the book so well that they joined in singing right along with me, which was cute as all get out.
Song: If You're Wearing Red Today
Book: Duckie's Rainbow by Frances Barry. After I finished, one of the kids said, "That was a short book!"
Felt Activity: I Have a Crayon. Hand out the felt crayons to the kids and as you read this rhyme, have them put their crayon on the board when you call their color:
I have a crayon, I'll give it to you.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of blue.
I have a crayon, a lovely little fellow.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of yellow.
I have a crayon, I think it's just right.
I have a crayon, it's here on my head.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of red.
I have a crayon, I found it in town.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of brown.
I have a crayon, we can draw a circle.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of purple.
I have a crayon, what do I see?
Here is my crayon, an orange one for me.
I have a crayon right in my sack.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of black.
I have a crayon, I think it's just right.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of white.
I have a crayon, the best ever seen.
Here is my crayon, my crayon of green.
Closing Song: Do You Know What Time It Is?
Take Home Craft: My Color and Texture Book. I totally lifted this idea from Rachelle Doorley's guest post at Not Just Cute.
We ordered tiny crayons from Oriental Trading and included them in the take-home packet, along with white paper (cut down to booklet size), a front and back for the book, and the instructions. We didn't staple the books so it would be easier to make the texture rubbings. Parents can staple the books together when they're done. And, of course, if the kids would rather just draw on the paper, that's okay, too!
Alternate Books/Ideas:
I did a similar, but slightly different color storytime for our preschool outreach a few months ago. Also check out Katie's color storytime (and Katie's other color storytime) and Mel's color storytime.
Blue Goose by Nancy Tafuri
Freight Train by Donald Crews
Go Away, Big Green Monster by Ed Emberley
Kid Tea by Elizabeth Ficocelli
Lemons are Not Red by Laura Seeger
Wow! Said the Owl by Tim Hopgood