Friday, December 2, 2011

#FlannelFriday: Santa Had a Christmas Tree

Well, ho ho ho! Look who finally got her act together to participate in Flannel Friday?

Since today's the holiday extravaganza, I wanted to share a flannel that's been a HUGE HIT with preschool classes in my community. I know not everyone's comfortable sharing Christmas materials at storytime and I think that's just fine not to. However, we do in my community (although we stick to more secular stuff).

Here's the flannel:

As you know, we love to pass out felt pieces and have our kids come up and put them on the board. You can do that this way or you could put the felt pieces on yourself!

(Apologies, but I don't have a source for this song!)

Santa Had a Christmas Tree (To the tune of "Old MacDonald")

Santa had a Christmas tree
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
And on that tree he had a star
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho
With a twinkle, twinkle here
And a twinkle, twinkle there
Here a twinkly, there a twinkle
Everywhere a twinkle, twinkle
Santa had a Christmas tree
Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!

Repeat with:
Under his tree he had a gift... with a rattle, rattle here
On that tree he had a light... with a sparkle, sparkle here
On that tree he had a bell... with a jingle, jingle here
Next to his tree he had some cookies... with a crunch, crunch here

And, of course, you can add more verses if you think of different items you want to put on or around your tree.

Our Head Start teachers loved this so much that they all asked for the words to the song after we went there.

Today is the Flannel Friday Holiday Extravaganza, hosted by Loons and Quines, so head on over there to check out the roundup!