I think maybe it's more that I personally did not like changing up my evenings and being the one to offer this program. It has NOTHING to do with the kids who came - they were great. I tend to thrive on the energy of the kids at storytime and the evening group tends to be smaller and quieter, perhaps more suited to different storytime strengths than I have. Plus, I think I have bitter feelings carrying over from a music performer we hosted on an evening this summer when we only had 2 kids show up. It's not fair for me to project my frustration on to ALL evening programs, but I think that's what I'm doing. If we offer a similar program next summer (we already incorporate an evening session with our fall and spring storytimes), I think we'll require registration (reminder calls seem to help attendance numbers) and, frankly, I think I'll probably see if someone else would like to present this program.
For our very last evening storytime, I pulled some of my favorite books. We actually had our biggest turnout of the summer for this session (14 kids) and I think that's at least partly because the county school corporation reposted our reminder on Facebook. Here's what we did:
Opening Song: "Jump Up, Turn Around" by Jim Gill. We've done this one almost every week (we didn't do it the week I only had 3 kids because I felt it'd be a bit of overkill).
Book: Leonardo the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems.
Book: Can You Make a Scary Face? by Jan Thomas. This was SUCH A HIT! The kids loved doing the actions along with the book and they got really into it. I'm always a little scared to read this book because what if the kids don't go along with it? But you know what? They always have. I should just relax.
Rhyme: Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. I told this one with a flannel mitt and little velcro monkeys that we had.
Book: Aaaarrgghh! Spider! by Lydia Monk.

Felt Activity: I Have a Crayon. Click through that link to find the full rhyme. I passed out different colored crayons to each child and had them put them on the board as I said their color.
Book: I'm the Biggest Thing in the Ocean by Kevin Sherry. Lots of the kids were familiar with this one, which is always fun.
And then we had our snack of milk & cookies! I posted before some lessons about milk & cookies with storytime when we offered this program over winter break. I would add to that advice that 2% milk seems to go over the best and make sure you can offer at least water to any kids who can't drink or don't like milk.
Also, I wish I had had our fall program publicity done a little sooner so I could have handed out information about our fall storytimes (which include an evening class time). September seems pretty far off, so I don't know that they would have held on to the info for that long, anyway. I at least made an announcement and hopefully some of them will remember to check back or think of the library at some point this fall!