Yes, we will continue to Read Wildly in 2016! (More info on Reading Wildly, my staff reader's advisory training, here!)
Last week, my staff and I sat down to choose genres for our 2016 Reading Wildly meetings. I was really proud of the thought they put into it and I think we hit on a great mix of repeats (those genres many of us don't gravitate to naturally) and new-for-RW genres. Here's what we decided to explore this year:
January: Reader profile swaps (basically reader's choice, but you can read about what we're doing in this post)
February: Sports
March: Survival
April: Sad/Tearjerkers
May: Funny
June: Reader's choice, but Teen staff read something from Children's and Children's read something from Teen (and if you read equally, then you pick!)
July: Graphic Novels (always accepted, but my staff don't always choose them)
August: Transitional chapter books (2nd/3rd grade)
September: Nonfiction
October: Thriller
November: Gentle ("Clean" reads, although I hate saying "clean")
December: Fantasy
Watch my Reading Wildly page for updates on how these meetings go and what we read each month!
And what about you? What are the genres that are a stretch for you to pick up and read?