It's summer.
The kids were out of school today.
The air conditioner was out at the library today.
And you know how the rest of that story goes. (Hot. It was hot.)
I can't wait for summer... to be over. |
Our schools had no snow make-up days added to the end of the school year, so I'm feeling about a week behind in planning and getting ready. I was out for a couple of weeks this spring and I have been dealing with planning for some upcoming staffing changes for the past month. We have a part-timer on unexpectedly early maternity leave, so we've been understaffed during our heaviest planning and school visit time of the year. So... yeah. I'm feeling really behind.
I need the Calming Manatees.
Hey. You got this. |
Our Summer Reading Club officially starts tomorrow. And although I am really taking this summer one day at a time, I am also really eager to see how many books the kids in our county read this summer. (We challenged them to read 20,000 books.) It has been nice to see so many kids who proclaim "You came to my school!" I adore handing out books we've booktalked through the months. I am nerdily excited to add books to our
staff summer reading "logs".
So, yeah. Summer is exhausting, but there are some good things about it. And, as Victory Baby says:
The only way out is through! |